SALDRU Gets Excellent Press Coverage for World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day takes place on 31 May every year.

In the run-up to World No Tobacco Day on 31 May, SALDRU’s Economics of Tobacco Control Project produced a press statement that was released via UCT. We are extremely pleased  to report on the outcome of this media outreach, which exceeded our expectations.


How illicit tobacco trade undercuts effort to curb smoking 
Corne van Walbeek, Business Day

News Reports

Tobacco excise revenue plunge shows SARS collection up in smoke
Business Day

Illicit cigarette trade targets the poor
IT Online

Kick butt – stop your deadly habit
Pretoria News

#WorldNoTobaccoDay: Black market cigarettes make it harder to quit smoking

Studie wys onwettige tabakhandel floreer in arm dele
Beeld (can be accessed online via press reader)

Radio Interviews

Trouble at Sars has sparked a 20% drop in tobacco tax collection
Corne van Walbeek on Cape Talk

Corne van Walbeek was also interviewed by SAFM on Tuesday, 29 May at 16h20.
The interview is not available online.