This year marks the 10th anniversary of the J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab) Africa office. During this time, J-PAL Africa has supported researchers to conduct randomized evaluations on important policy questions in South Africa, as well as supported governments and organisations across sub-Saharan Africa to improve lives by using evidence in policy and programme design.
Over the past 10 years, J-PAL Africa has achieved many meaningful milestones such as launching Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Africa together with the NGO Pratham, to scale remedial learning solutions across the continent; as well as hosting the Digital Identification and Finance Research Initiative (DigiFI) and conducting important research into labour markets and energy in South Africa.
To learn more on how J-PAL Africa’s impact has evolved over the years and read reflections from their partners, visit J-PAL’s new J-PAL Africa @10 page.