Renewed Media Interest in SALDRU’s Income Comparison Tool 21st Dec 201821st Dec 2018Fazila Farouk December saw renewed media interest in SALDRU’s Income Comparison Tool with three popular publications including Times Live, City Press and Daily Vox publishing articles about it from varying perspectives. SALDRU is pleased to see that the continued media interest. The tool is one of the most striking demonstrations of the economic challenge facing SA. In the Media
J-PAL Africa is Hiring! 21st Dec 20185th Feb 2019Fazila Farouk The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab for Africa (J-PAL Africa), located in Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) in the University of Cape Town School of Economics, has a mission to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. J-PAL Africa is hiring a Deputy Director. The closing date for this job application is 6 January 2019. Spotlight
Watch: Leibbrandt Talk about ‘Turning the Tide on Inequality’ 21st Dec 201821st Dec 2018Fazila Farouk Watch SALDRU’s Murray Leibbrandt talk, in this newly released video, about a new UNU-WIDER/National Treasury project, Southern Africa - Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED). SA-TIED is a partnership between government and the research community and Leibbrandt leads the “Turning the Tide on Inequality” work stream. SALDRU NewsVideos
SALDRU Contributes to UNU-WIDER’s ‘Inequality in the Giants’ Project 21st Dec 201830th Sep 2021Fazila Farouk UNU-WIDER’s Inequality in the Giants project is part of a large international collaborative research initiative, including teams from China, India, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa. Over the last three years each country team has produced four substantive research papers and a final synthesis paper. The SA team is made up of SALDRU researchers. SALDRU News
Strong SALDRU Participation at Paris Conference on Development, Inequality and Social Cohesion 21st Dec 201826th Nov 2020Fazila Farouk A strong SALDRU contingent, represented by Murray Leibbrandt, Vimal Ranchhod, Patrizio Piraino, Rocco Zizzamia, Simone Schotte and Haajirah Essau, participated in the AFD 13th International Conference on Development, Inequality and Social Cohesion from 6-7 December 2018 in Paris, France. SALDRU News
Promoted to Chief Research Officer 27th Nov 201827th Nov 2018Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Dr Brendan Maughan-Brown has been promoted to the rank of Chief Research Officer by UCT’s Faculty of Commerce. Maughan-Brown's main research projects involve interventions aimed at helping HIV positive individuals to link to HIV care services and to initiate antiretroviral therapy. Spotlight
ETCP Hosts Tobacco Taxation Workshop 27th Nov 201827th Nov 2018Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Economics of Tobacco Control Project (ETCP) hosted a workshop on tobacco taxation for research fellows of the Tobacco Control Capacity Programme (TCCP), a training and research programme, which aims to develop the research capacities of upcoming researchers to reduce tobacco consumption. SALDRU News
New Report: What Drives Youth Unemployment in SA? 27th Nov 201831st Jul 2019Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Ariane de Lannoy and Murray Leibbrandt have collaborated with academics from the University of Johannesburg to produce a new report on youth unemployment in South Africa. The study finds that economic growth on its own is insufficient to address the youth unemployment problem. SALDRU News
Watch: Leibbrandt Talks to eNCA about Innovative Policy and Research Integration Initiative 26th Nov 201827th Nov 2018Fazila Farouk SA-TIED is a partnership between government and the research community targeting inclusive economic growth. Through it, government officials study towards PhDs. SALDRU's Murray Leibbrandt is a senior SA-TIED economist. eNCA TV channel caught up with him to learn more. In the Media
Watch: CEO of HSRC Talks to SALDRU about Significance of Inequality Research and Engaged Scholarship 26th Nov 201823rd Aug 2023Fazila Farouk Engaged scholarship is most applicable for dealing with racial, economic and geographic challenges, the HSRC's Crain Soudien told SALDRU on the side-lines of the SALDRU/ACEIR/GIZ conference on inequalities. Videos