Daily Maverick Features NIDS’ Data in Youth Unemployment Feature 16th Apr 201821st May 2018Fazila Farouk The Daily Maverick recently produced a lengthy feature on youth unemployment in South Africa, which quoted extensively from the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS). The article titled "Youth Unemployment in Focus: When you’re job-hunting so long that you’re no longer young", was written by By Marelise van der Merwe, Aphiwe Ngalo and Rebecca Redelmeier. In the Media
Ingrid Woolard Appointed Chair of Independent VAT Review Panel 3rd Apr 201830th Apr 2018Fazila Farouk The Minister of Finance, Nhanlha Nene, and Judge Dennis Davis, head of the Davis Tax Commission, have appointed SALDRU Research Associate, Prof. Ingrid Woolard, as the head of an independent panel comprising prominent experts to look into expanding the number of VAT-free products South Africans have access to. SALDRU News
Interlocking Strategies Needed to Cut Youth Unemployment 3rd Apr 201831st Jul 2019Fazila Farouk Business Day While the Youth Employment Service initiative, which aims to place 1-million young people in internships in businesses over three years, is commendable, innovative thinking is needed to tackle the multiple drivers, at the macro and micro levels, that fuel unemployment. In the Media
SALDRU Researchers Go on U.S. Learning Tour! 28th Mar 201828th Mar 2018Fazila Farouk Nicola Branson and Vimal Ranchhod, principle investigators on SALDRU’s Siyaphambili Project have recently returned from a learning tour to the United States funded by the Kresge Foundation. A key aim of the tour was to learn how to effectively communicate research results beyond the academic sphere. SALDRU News
Minister of Health Launches UCT Tobacco Taxation Knowledge Hub to Support World Health Organisation 27th Mar 201829th Mar 2018Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Economics of Tobacco Control Project was nominated by the National Department of Health to establish a Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Taxation on behalf of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. SALDRU News
Saldrupian on Jury at Public Defence of PhD at Ghent University 26th Mar 201829th Jul 2018Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s senior researcher, Brendan Maughan-Brown who works on our iLink Project - Incentives for Linkage to HIV Treatment and Care - recently returned from Ghent University in Belgium where he was a jury member at the public defence of a PhD by Roxanne Beauclair. Spotlight
Rebooted and on a Mission 23rd Mar 201828th Mar 2018Fazila Farouk By Helen Swingler, UCT News The Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU), one of UCT’s oldest and most respected research units, has a new mission statement and In the Media
The Real state of the Nation: Study the Data 9th Mar 201829th Mar 2018Fazila Farouk UCT News A big part of moving forward must lie in understanding what has worked and not worked up to now. Fortunately, there is plenty of data to show us the real state of the nation – including from the government’s own research initiatives, writes SALDRU's Samantha Richmond. In the Media
Tough Anti-Smoking Measures Expected 7th Mar 201829th Mar 2018Fazila Farouk Health-E News SALDRU’s Prof. Corne van Walbeek, director of the Economics of Tobacco Control Project, told Health-E News, “Since 2004 South Africa’s tobacco control strategy has largely fizzled out. The 1990s passion of using excise tax as a means to reduce smoking has disappeared”. In the Media
Researching Affirmative Action at UCT 5th Mar 201826th Feb 2020Fazila Farouk By Kim Cloete, UCT News A study by SALDRU researchers, Andrew Kerr, Vimal Ranchhod and Patrizio Piraino, on the hotly debated issue of affirmative action has shown that the university’s policies have a substantial impact on the racial distribution of who is offered a place at the university. In the Media