Tracking high-value credentials as a unifying Post-Secondary Education and Training goal 30th Jul 201928th Oct 2021Kim Ingle The Lumina Foundation set a goal for the US: The aim is for 60% of Americans between the ages of 25-64 to hold degrees, certificates or other high-quality postsecondary credentials by 2025. Lumina tracks the share of the population with such qualifications using the “Stronger Nation” interactive website. The Kresge Foundation is funding the Siyaphambili project within SALDRU to create a hub for post-school research in South Africa. One of the objectives is to develop the equivalent of a “Stronger South African Nation”, a user-friendly interface that can be used to track and monitor educational attainment. SALDRU News
Measuring high value post-school credentials in South Africa 30th Jul 201931st Aug 2022Kim Ingle South Africa is renowned for its stark and persistent unemployment level, especially among the youth. Many young people enter the labour force with limited skills due to low levels of school completion, limited access to post-school education and training, and poor post-school qualification completion rates. What do we know about where youth go to obtain their skills and where South Africans complete certificates, diplomas and degrees? SALDRU News
Women, transport and employment in Africa 26th Jun 201927th Jul 2022Kim Ingle Women in Africa face substantial discrimination in the transport sector, both as transport users and as transport sector employees. This affects their wider access to work in every sector. Relevant skills acquisition, at an early age, is essential if women are to break through such barriers. A new multi-country research project aims to understand these challenges better. SALDRU News
ETCP to become a new standalone research unit 26th Jun 201927th Mar 2020Kim Ingle The Economics of Tobacco Control Project (ETCP), which has been housed in SALDRU since its inception in 2011, will soon become an independent URC-accredited research unit in the School of Economics. From the very outset, the aim was to be an independent research unit, and the growth in the ETCP in the past years means that the formal ties with SALDRU will soon be officially broken. SALDRU News
Providing a multi-faceted package of support to young people 27th May 201930th Jan 2022Kim Ingle While the transition from adolescence to young adulthood is a crucial life phase, most of South Africa’s young people are negotiating this period in the context of multiple challenges of deprivation. Of great concern are the close to one third of 15 to 24-year-olds who are not in any kind of education, employment or training (NEET), totalling just over three million youth. With a growing body of research pointing to the harmful long-term effects of such a disconnect on these youth, a SALDRU-led coalition project is in the process of designing an intervention programme that can give these youth support and that is tailor-made for their individual circumstances. SALDRU News
Inequality research centre at SALDRU sets sights on development goals 25th Apr 201930th Jun 2022Amy Jephthah The potential contribution of the University of Cape Town to evidence that will inform Africa’s progress towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals has received a substantial boost through SALDRU’s participation in the ARUA Centre of Excellence for Inequality Research (ACEIR). SALDRU News
The 2019 Budget 28th Mar 201930th Jun 2021Charmaine Smith By Andrew Donaldson, Senior Research Officer, SALDRU SALDRU'S resident public finance expert, Andrew Donaldson, writes that against the background of stalled economic growth and Eskom’s financial crisis, the 2019 Budget is at best a “holding operation” in public service delivery, while public debt continues to rise as a percentage of GDP. SALDRU News
Designing a basic package of support for young people 27th Mar 201929th Jul 2020Charmaine Smith This month saw the next step in a process to table a SALDRU-led policy proposal on a basic package of support for South Africa’s young people. It came as a group of global researchers, policymakers and advisers gathered in Cape Town to review research evidence that could help the design of a model of support for the country’s young people. SALDRU News
Pippa Green Appointed as Press Ombudsman 27th Feb 201914th Mar 2019Charmaine Smith Pippa Green, who has been with the REDI3x3 project and the Poverty & Inequality Initiative for nearly five years, is to leave SALDRU at the end of March to take up a position as the new Press Ombudsman. SALDRU News
National Income Dynamics Study Wave 5 launch 27th Feb 201914th Mar 2019Charmaine Smith Wave 5 of the National Income Dynamics Study was launched recently at the StatsSA offices in Pretoria, and with the participation of the the SALDRU team that implements NIDS on behalf of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. SALDRU NewsVideos