SALDRU Researchers at Inaugural Anthropology of Human Security in Africa Summer School 1st Feb 20191st Dec 2022Charmaine Smith Two Saldrupians attended the first summer school of ANTHUSIA, the multi-disciplinary research project in the Anthropology of Human Security in Africa: SALDRU’s Evelien Storm, an ANTHUSIA Early Stage Researcher, and her co-supervisor and ANTHUSIA supervisory board member, Ariane De Lannoy. SALDRU News
J-PAL and Indian Education NGO Pratham Awarded Large Philanthropic Grant 29th Jan 201931st Mar 2021Charmaine Smith Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Africa, led jointly by J-PAL Africa and Pratham, will receive funding as one of five initiatives with proven systems-changing strategies in education, health, and economic opportunity. The grant from Co-Impact, a global philanthropic collaborative for systems change, will support scaling up TaRL across Africa. FeaturedSALDRU News
Economics of Tobacco Control Project Investigates Illicit Trade of Cigarettes 29th Jan 20191st Feb 2019Charmaine Smith This ETCP study found that tobacco tax increases in three countries did not impact the magnitude and the nature of illicit tobacco trade. The ETCP is now disseminating this research to the public to counter the tobacco industry rhetoric that higher excise taxes increase illicit trade. SALDRU News
Watch: Leibbrandt Talk about ‘Turning the Tide on Inequality’ 21st Dec 201821st Dec 2018Fazila Farouk Watch SALDRU’s Murray Leibbrandt talk, in this newly released video, about a new UNU-WIDER/National Treasury project, Southern Africa - Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED). SA-TIED is a partnership between government and the research community and Leibbrandt leads the “Turning the Tide on Inequality” work stream. SALDRU NewsVideos
SALDRU Contributes to UNU-WIDER’s ‘Inequality in the Giants’ Project 21st Dec 201830th Sep 2021Fazila Farouk UNU-WIDER’s Inequality in the Giants project is part of a large international collaborative research initiative, including teams from China, India, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa. Over the last three years each country team has produced four substantive research papers and a final synthesis paper. The SA team is made up of SALDRU researchers. SALDRU News
Strong SALDRU Participation at Paris Conference on Development, Inequality and Social Cohesion 21st Dec 201826th Nov 2020Fazila Farouk A strong SALDRU contingent, represented by Murray Leibbrandt, Vimal Ranchhod, Patrizio Piraino, Rocco Zizzamia, Simone Schotte and Haajirah Essau, participated in the AFD 13th International Conference on Development, Inequality and Social Cohesion from 6-7 December 2018 in Paris, France. SALDRU News
ETCP Hosts Tobacco Taxation Workshop 27th Nov 201827th Nov 2018Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Economics of Tobacco Control Project (ETCP) hosted a workshop on tobacco taxation for research fellows of the Tobacco Control Capacity Programme (TCCP), a training and research programme, which aims to develop the research capacities of upcoming researchers to reduce tobacco consumption. SALDRU News
New Report: What Drives Youth Unemployment in SA? 27th Nov 201831st Jul 2019Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Ariane de Lannoy and Murray Leibbrandt have collaborated with academics from the University of Johannesburg to produce a new report on youth unemployment in South Africa. The study finds that economic growth on its own is insufficient to address the youth unemployment problem. SALDRU News
Civil Society Highlights Ten Challenges in the Struggle against Inequalities 26th Nov 201829th Nov 2018Fazila Farouk Civil society panellists delivered superb inputs highlighting the challenges they encounter in their work on inequality at the SALDRU/African Centre of Excellence for Inequality Research (ACEIR) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) conference on inequalities in Southern Africa. SALDRU News
SALDRU Conference Examines Agenda 2030, SDGs and Inequalities in Southern Africa 24th Nov 201830th Sep 2021Fazila Farouk Hosted by SALDRU, UCT's African Centre for Excellence in Inequalities Research held a conference on inequalities in Southern Africa, which assessed regional inequalities in the African and global contexts, in an effort to distill lessons from high inequality sites, focussing on Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and South Africa. SALDRU News