Infographic Now Available: Accessing the NIDS Public Access & Secure Data 27th Sep 20181st Nov 2018Fazila Farouk At the end of August, the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), implemented by SALDRU on behalf of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, released the NIDS Wave 5 data, together with updated versions of NIDS Waves 1-4. NIDS has produced a useful infographic, which includes step-by-step guidelines on how to download the data. Spotlight
Employment and Poverty 27th Sep 201827th Sep 2018Fazila Farouk Rocco Zizzamia, a SALDRU Research Officer, presented his paper entitled, "Is employment a panacea for poverty in South Africa? A mixed-methods investigation" at the Human Development and Capability Association Conference, in Buenos Aires in early September. The conference theme was "Human development and social inclusion in an urbanising world". Spotlight
Reflections on the Work of the Future 27th Sep 201813th Dec 2020Fazila Farouk By Ruediger Helm SALDRU research affiliate, Dr. Ruediger Helm, attended the LABOR.A 2018 - Platform Future of Work - Conference in Berlin on 13 September, hosted by the Hans Böckler Foundation. Helm compiled a comprehensive report of sessions he attended to share with a global audience. Spotlight
Rocco Zizzamia wins 2018 MPhil prize 31st Aug 201831st Aug 2018Fazila Farouk SALDRU researcher, Rocco Zizzamia, of St Anne’s College at Oxford University won the Papiya Ghosh Thesis Prize. Rocco's thesis explores the effects that volatility in the South African labour market has on individual well-being, specifically focusing on those (paradoxical) cases in which disadvantaged workers turn down or quit wage jobs. Spotlight
NIDS Hosts 5-day Panel Data Course 31st Aug 2018Fazila Farouk The National Income Dynamics Study implemented by SALDRU on behalf of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, hosted a 5-day Panel Data Course at UCT’s School of Economics. The course provided an introduction to analysing the NIDS Wave 1-4 data using Stata. Spotlight
Zimbabwe Manufacturing Firm Survey 2015-2016 Data Released 30th Aug 201831st Aug 2018Fazila Farouk This survey, undertaken by Prof. Lawrence Edwards under the project, Matched Employee-Employer Panel-Data for Labour Market Analysis in Zimbabwe, is a SALDRU project funded by IZA/DFID. The data for this survey was recently released via the DataFirst Open Data Portal. Spotlight
NIDS 2018 Data Release: Introducing Wave 5 and updated versions of Waves 1-4 30th Aug 201830th Aug 2018Fazila Farouk At the end of August, the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), implemented by SALDRU on behalf of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, will be releasing the fifth wave of NIDS data which was collected in 2017, together with updated versions of the NIDS Waves 1 to Wave 4 data. Spotlight
SALDRU at launch of South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 31st Jul 20181st Oct 2018Fazila Farouk By Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Fazila Farouk attended the launch of the South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2017. The launch, co-hosted by the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI), examined how to incorporate "digital disruption and transformative change in the science technology and innovation measurement agenda". Spotlight
SALDRU participates in BRICS Exchange 28th Jul 201828th Jul 2018Fazila Farouk UCT’s School of Economics is the South African representative on the Economic Thematic Group of the BRICS Network University (BNU). BNU is a government level initiative to build collaborative research and educational linkages across BRICS. SALDRU’s Prof. Vimal Ranchhod, participated in the exchange and presented information about our research and data on inequality. Spotlight
SALDRU at 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam 28th Jul 201831st Aug 2021Fazila Farouk SALDRU’s Dr. Brendan Maughan-Brown presented two papers at the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. The conference highlighted that HIV incidence has not declined to the extent hoped. Urgent efforts are needed to rejuvenate a flagging HIV response as the epidemic is at serious risk of rebounding. Spotlight