South African Research Chair in Poverty and Inequality Research

The work of this Chair was focused on a sustained programme of research to measure and analyse the unfolding social dynamics within contemporary South Africa with particular attention being devoted to poverty and inequality dynamics. This programme of research and capacity building was anchored in the production and analysis of panel data with particular emphasis on the Cape Area Panel Study and the National Income Dynamics Study.

This Chair fully funded the salary of the Chair holder and his work. Each year, its scholarship programme (augmented by running costs) funded a post-doctoral fellow, 2 PhD students, 2 Master’s students, 2 Honours students and 2 staff development grants for 2 members of staff of the School of Economics to help them to complete their PhDs. The running costs of the Chair funded conference attendance and training opportunities for students and contributed to SALDRU’s administrative costs and to equipment purchases for SALDRU researchers.

Dates: 2008-2012; 2013-2017

Funding: National Research Foundation