Ihsaan Bassier

Ihsaan Bassier currently works on an AFD funded project, which is to advance the evidence base and understanding of the stimulus effects of income transfer programmes in the South African context, focusing on the impacts of social grants and of public employment. More broadly, his work at SALDRU has included several collaborations with policy-makers, on topics such as social grants, pandemic poverty effects, and minimum wages.

Ihsaan is a postdoctoral research economist at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He works in the fields of labour and development, mainly on firm wage-setting power and inequality. His current projects include collective bargaining and spillovers in South Africa; rent-sharing and development with applications also in South Africa; and vacancies and firm dynamics in the UK. His work has been published in the Journal of Human Resources, the Journal of Development Economics, and World Development.

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Post-doctoral Research Economist