Measuring Consumption

This course tackles important topics in consumption theory including demand systems and Engel’s law. Students are taught how to operationalise consumption theory on actual data, as well as how to compare micro and macro estimates of consumption. The theory is complemented with practical training in using survey data with Stata.

Course outline:

  • Measuring consumption
  • Modelling consumption
    • Consumer demand
    • Engel’s law
    • The life-cycle model
  • Estimating consumption models on micro-data, using Stata
  • Puzzles in the relationship between micro- and macro-aggregates

Prerequisites: Participants must have basic Stata skills, for example through completing the UCT Summer Training Programme in Social Science Research using Survey Data, or an undergraduate course in econometrics in which Stata was used.

Next course: Please contact Alison Siljeur for information on the next course.

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