Understanding Panel Survey Data

The course introduces students to the techniques used in the analysis of “cross-sectional” panel data sets, such as the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS). Course participants must be familiar with Stata and basic statistical tools.

Course outline:

  • Introduction to using and analysing panel data
  • Merging, appending and reshaping data
  • Weights and attrition
  • Descriptive analysis using both long and wide form panel data
  • Construction and evaluation of transition matrices
  • Panel estimators for regression analysis
  • Numerous long examples to practice the theoretical concepts

Prerequisites: Participants must have basic Stata skills, for example through completing the UCT Summer Training Programme in Social Science Research using Survey Data, or an undergraduate course in econometrics in which Stata was used.

More information: Please contact Alison Siljeur for information on the next course.

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What participants are saying

I feel my knowledge of panel data analysis has been expanded by this course. I know I will use the material in the future. I thought both that the teachers could explain concepts well and that the help I received during the tutorials was excellent. A special thanks goes to Bianca, the tutor, who was so good at explaining the concepts and Stata code.
– Ntombezinhle Bongelwa Nzama, Statistics South Africa


The course was great. The lecturers and tutors were genuinely friendly and no question was stupid to them – I really appreciated that! The course was well structured. Thank you!
– Simphiwe Siphesihle Khoza, Stellenbosch University